Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tortellini With Spicy Mint Oil

Tortellini is ring-shaped pasta with filling. Tortellini literally means the belly-button of Venus, the Roman Goddess of Love, because of its shape. Most of the time tortellini is filled with cheese but these days it comes with meat, mushroom, pesto etc.

In modern culinary world, flavored oils are very popular to infuse exotic flavors. Flavored oil is very easy to make, all it has is hot oil with garlic, fresh herbs, dry herbs, chilies, lemon peels, ginger, or even with dried cherry tomatoes. Hot oil absorbs flavor of whatever is added to it. Flavored oils are great to enhance taste of leftovers and frozen food which are bland most of the time. The only precaution required for the flavored oil is that it should be used within a week and it should be refrigerated at all times. Enjoy with salads, pastas, risotto, breads etc.

In Sicily, Italy or wherever for that matter, tortellini is served with Vodka, Alfredo, or other heavy sauces. I wanted to avoid heavy sauce, because their taste of sauce is overpowering the tortellini. I love tortellini pasta and this is great way to enjoy taste of tortellini and its filling and not the heavy sauce.


-- For Spicy Mint Oil

  • 2 cups Olive Oil
  • 2 cups Fresh Mint
  • 1/2 tsp Whole Black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp Red Pepper Flakes

-- For Tortellini

  • 3 cups Cheese Filled Tortellini
  • 1 cup Red Kidney Beans
  • 1/2 cup Cannellini Beans
  • 3-4 Garlic Cloves, chopped
  • 4 tbsp Spicy Mint Oil
  • 1/2 tsp red pepper flacks
  • 1/4 cup Fontina Cheese, grated
  • 3/4 cup Cherry Tomatoes, cut in half
  • 2 tbsp Parmesan Cheese, grated
  • Hand full of Parsley, chopped
  • Salt to Taste
  • Black Pepper to Taste


-- For Spicy Mint Oil

1. Heat oil in pan. Add mint, black pepper and red pepper flakes. Heat oil on low heat for 10 minutes and then on medium heat on 5 more minutes.

2. Turn off the heat and let it cool down completely. Store in a jar.

-- For Tortellini

1. Cook tortellini according to instruction on the package.

2. In the mean time, heat oil in pan. Add garlic and sauté for 1 minute.

3. Add red pepper flakes and parsley. Cook for 1 more minute.

4. Add red kidney beans, cannellini beans, cherry tomatoes, salt, and pepper. Mix well and let it cook for 3-4 minutes.

5. Add cooked tortellini and mix well. If you feel its dry or requires more oil add be generous.

6. Take out in serving platter and sprinkle grated fontina and parmesan cheese.

7. Serve hot with soup.


This is my entry to AWED :Italiano hosted by Dhivya.


  1. I never tasted mint oil, sounds good and delicious tortellini ...

  2. looks so yumm and delicious!love the picture

  3. Looks delicious! Love pic too.


  4. While reading your pos itself i was drooling.
    Pasta dish looks delicious

  5. I love tortellini with basil and dill pesto..will try this next

  6. That mint oil looks great, I can't wait until my herbs start to produce stuff I can use in the kitchen.

  7. I really love the recipe for Spicy Mint Oil, it sounds delicious!

  8. I really like the idea of the spicy mint oil.

  9. Thank you gals for your wonderful comments, i love flavored oil and mint is one of my favorite herb, jus love the smell and taste!!!!

  10. Even I have not tried mint oil. The dish looks very appetizing. Your recipes are really unique and interesting.

  11. Wow, pasta with mint oil sounds so exotic. A must try. Awesome.

  12. I buy tortellini sometimes. I've tried it with balsamic vinegar and a touch of butter. It's pretty good. Very simple and light...

    The spicy mint oil sounds very good.
