Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I am a proud member of Great Cook Community and Foodie BlogRoll

Hi friends,

I recently came across this wonderful website Simple Daily Recipes. They also started a community called Great Cooks Community. I did go through some of the blogs from this community, and I am happy to agree that the name "Great Cooks Community" perfectly matches the contents and quality of the blogs.

I decided to become a member, and now I am also part of this community. Its a wonderful place to get to know about new blogs and fellow bloggers. Great place to learn new things, techniques and get feedback from highly knowledgable bloggers. I strongly recommend my friends and fellow bloggers to join this community. Hope to see you all here :))

As I promised Jill, the owner of Simple Daily Recipes, that I will be doing my part for the Foodie BlogRoll in promoting and linking back to the website. First of all, my appologies Jen, the owner of Foodie BlogRoll, that I didn't do this earlier. The only reason is I didn't know that I had to do something like that and I was very new to blogger world when I joined Foodie BlogRoll. As the saying goes, better late than never. Here it is, my tribute to Foodie blogroll.

Foodie blogroll is also a great community with some cool features. I love the feature that shows daily Most recent 10 blogs and random 10 blogs. This is the great way to get to know what is happenning in the world of blogging and be up to date with fellow bloggers updates. Also, I made some good friends, fellow bloggers, from this site. Again, I urge my fellow bloggers to be a part of this wonderful website, it will only help you, like it helped me. Check out my sidebar for the blogrolls.



  1. Hi Madhavi,
    Nice information .I will also join this.Thanks for sharing.

  2. congrats on joining great cooks and foodie blogroll!

  3. Madhavi
    Congrats on joining the great cooks community
    There is an award waiting for you.


  4. hey welcome to the GCC and foodies blogroll.

  5. Congrats on joining the blogroll
