Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Farfalle With Pistachio Pesto

Pesto means pound or crushed or pressed. Pesto is originally northern Italian sauce. Traditionally made of crushed garlic, fresh basil, extra virgin olive oil, pine nuts, and parmesan cheese. Most basil pesto recipes call for pine nuts but I always use Pistachios. One can easily substitute with walnuts too. I always add lemon zest and lemon juice in my pesto. Lemon brightens up the flavor and keeps the pesto bright green. I also like to use some mint and spinach in my pesto. Spinach gives color and mint gives fresh taste to the pesto. If you are using blender or food processor, do not add cheese in it. Blend all the ingredients and then Pour sauce into the bowl and mix grated cheese in it. Heat of the blades ruin the taste of the cheese ( Tip by Giada De Laurentiis). I store pesto in ice tray in freezer, where it will last for more than a month.

If you want to freeze the pesto, omit the cheese (it doesn’t freeze well). Line an ice cube tray, and fill each pocket with the pesto, cover with tray lid or with plastic wrap and freeze it. When you want to use, defrost and add in grated Parmesan.

1. Pulse 1/4 of Dry Roasted Pistachios and 2-3 Garlic Cloves in a food processor.

2. until coarsely ground.

3. Add 4 cups Fresh Basil leaves, 1 cup Baby Spinach Leaves,

3. with 1/4 cup of Fresh Mint Leaves.

4. Blend to coarse paste.

5. Grate half of the lemon zest or 1 tsp into the paste.

6. Squeeze juice of the 1/2 lemon into the paste.

7. Add 1/2 tsp ground black pepper and salt to taste. Pulse it again for few times.

8. Slowly add 1 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil With the processor on, to create a thick paste. Stop to scrape down the sides of the food processor with a rubber spatula. process until well combined.

9. Pour this pesto sauce in bowl and add 1/2 cup Grated Parmesan Cheese in it and mix well.

10. Heat 1 tsp Olive Oil in pan. Cook thinly sliced onion, red bell p

11. In boiled Farfalle pasta, add cooked veggies with Pistachio Pesto and red pepper flakes in it.

12. Mix it very well and serve.


If you want to freeze the pesto, omit the cheese (it doesn’t freeze well). Line an ice cube tray, and fill each pocket with the pesto, cover with tray lid or with plastic wrap and freeze it. When you want to use, defrost and add in grated Parmesan.

Serve with Pasta, In Risotto, as Pizza Sauce, or spread on top of grilled Baguette.


  1. I dont mind finish that whole plate rite now for my dinner, loved ur tips for freezing the pesto.

  2. I love pesto... haven't tried it with pistaschios before... Such a yummy pasta that is.

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