Monday, June 6, 2011

Warm Kalonji Potato Salad & Radish Pickle For - Maitri

MAITRI means frendship.... MAITRI Friendship Chain is about sending along a mystery ingredient to your blogger friends. And they have to make something new, old, tasty with this mystery ingrediens, and it has to be vegetarian. The dish has to be made within a week of the ingredient arriving and posted on your blog. Hatts of to PRIYA and RESHMI who created this wonderful event, thanks gals :)) I also encourge my bloggi friends to join this chain.

I got matched with SWAPNA. Visit her blog for some amazing recipes. I reiceved a package from Swapna. She sent me Kalonji/Nigella seeds as a mystry ingredient. She also sent me this cute little baking dish and a greeting card too, that is so sweet of her.

I never used Kalonji before. I tasted it once or twice in killer Punjabi Kadhi one of my friends make so had an idea that it is usually used in PanchPoran for tadka. I wanted to make something different with it so I made two dishes.

1. WARM KALONJI POTATO SALAD: Easy to make and Kalonji gives very aromatic and distinct flavor. I also used fresh ingredints like orange wedges and fresh orange juice for the dressing.


  • 3 Medium Red Potatoes, cut into small pieces
  • 1 Garlic Clove, thinly Sliced
  • 1 tsp Kalonji/Nigella Seeds
  • 1 Orange, cut into wedges
  • 4 tbsp Orange Juice, fresh
  • 4 Cherry Tomatoes, cut into half
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh Tyme, chopped


1. Heat oil in pan, cook sliced garlic and kalonji till garlic get little golden.

2. Add potatoes, cayyenne pepper, and salt.

3. Cook them until tender, than add cherry tomatoes. And let them warm.

4. Take it out salad in serving bowl, add orange, orange juice, and chopped thyme.

5. Mix well and serve warm.


2. RED RADISH PICKLE: Instant, easy, and flavorful. Can be stored in refrigerator for week.


  • 8-9 Red Radish, julienne cut or Shredded
  • 1/2 tsp Kalonji/Nigella Seeds
  • 1/4 tsp Methi Kuria
  • 1/4 tsp Fennel Seeds
  • 1/4 tsp Mustard Seeds
  • 1/4 tsp Hing
  • 1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Red Chili Powder
  • 3 Thai Chilies, rufly chopped
  • 1 tsp Amchur
  • 3 tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil
  • Salt to taste


1. In bowl mix radish with, salt, amchur, and lemon juice well. Keep aside.

2. Heat oil in pan and splutter mustard seeds. Turn down the heat on low.

3. Now add hing, kalonji, fennel seeds, methi kuria, thai chilies, turmeric, and red chili powder. Saute them for 20-25 seconds.

4. Pour this tadka on radhish. Mix well and cover with lid or plastic wrap for 15 minutes.

5. Serve with your favorite food.



  1. Wow both salad and pickle looks wonderful,flavourful and delicious...thats so nice of Swapna..

  2. Very different recipes Madhavi. Sounds like quick summer dishes.

  3. Yum Madhavi, wow, 2 separate dishes, love both of them. Thanks for being part of this chain dear :)

  4. The radish pickle is something i would like to try. Should be tasty this way radish!

  5. Refreshing Salad....Perfectly made!!
    Love it!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I personally love the flavor of kalonji very much and both the dishes you made sounds delicious n a must try!
    US Masala

  8. Very different type of recipes. Both look wonderful.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  9. very interesting and different recipes....both are new to me..first time here..glad to follow u..visit mine too..

  10. Nice recipes..Both salad and pickle sounds great and looks so yum!

  11. Another wonderful recipe for Maitri - lovely use of Kalonji dear! I have yet to try this in my cooking -- bookmarking this recipe. Cheers, Priya :)

  12. looks irresistably hearty and full of flavor..:)
    Tasty Appetite
